

Women's Health Nurse Practitioner & Perimenopausal Specialist located in Mystic, CT


About Perimenopause

Hot flashes, mood swings, and irregular periods could mean you’re entering perimenopause, a condition that appears before you reach menopause. At Hormonal Harmony, based in Mystic, Connecticut, skilled nurse practitioner Kristen Stehle, APRN, provides virtual hormone therapy and other treatments to help you look and feel more like yourself. Schedule a telehealth evaluation with Kristen by phone or online today.

Perimenopause Q&A

What is perimenopause?

Perimenopause is the period of time 8-10 years prior to menopause that is characterized by fluctuating hormones, irregular periods, intermittent hot flashes, night sweats, mood changes, and sleep changes interspersed with times when you feel perfectly at baseline. 

Often guidance on nutrition, sleep, and stress management can be helpful. Sometimes hormone supplementation can be beneficial to alleviate more severe symptoms. 

Hormonal Harmony can help. The team will go over your medical history and lifestyle as well as assess for any contributing health-related factors. They will order specific labs that you and your provider determine are necessary. They will develop a plan addressing diet, exercise, and stress management, as well as hormone therapy and alternative medications as needed.

Are there symptoms of perimenopause?

Perimenopause can cause many symptoms, and when untreated, these symptoms can cause problems with your health, well-being, and quality of life.

Your periods may skip a month or two, have shorter cycles, or be heavier or lighter than usual during perimenopause. However, you may still become pregnant during this time. You can no longer get pregnant after reaching menopause (the permanent absence of your period).

Am I a candidate for perimenopause treatment?

To determine if your symptoms are associated with perimenopause and how to best treat them, Kristen discusses your medical history, lifestyle, medications, and menstrual cycle. She may order a blood test to evaluate your hormone levels. Kristen works with you to develop an effective treatment that eases troublesome perimenopause symptoms. 

How does my specialist treat symptoms of perimenopause?

Treating perimenopause at Hormonal Harmony might consist of:

Medical weight loss

Medical weight loss solutions at Hormonal Harmony make it easier to reach an ideal body weight without feeling hungry or restrictive fad dieting.  

Hormone replacement therapy

Hormone replacement therapy increases your body’s hormone levels using patches, pills, implants, pellets, gels, vaginal rings, creams, or suppositories. 

Nutrition therapy

Proper nutrition keeps perimenopause symptoms at bay by helping you maintain hormone balance. Kristen develops a customized nutrition therapy plan that’s perfect for you. 

Custom fitness plans

Regular exercise can combat weight gain, loss of muscle mass, and other symptoms associated with perimenopause. Kristen creates a personalized fitness plan that matches your preferences and lifestyle. 

Dietary supplements

Taking supplements can minimize your symptoms and reduce the risk of health issues related to hormone imbalance and aging. 

Schedule a virtual perimenopause evaluation at Hormonal Harmony by calling the office or booking an appointment online today.