

Women's Health Nurse Practitioner & Perimenopausal Specialist located in Mystic, CT


About PCOS

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) alters hormone levels and affects 1 in 10 women of childbearing age. Fortunately, help is within reach at Hormonal Harmony based in Mystic, Connecticut. Compassionate nurse practitioner Kristen Stehle, APRN, treats bothersome PCOS symptoms and reduces your risk of complications. To learn more about PCOS and how to best treat your condition, schedule a virtual PCOS consultation at Hormonal Harmony by phone or online today.


What is PCOS?

Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) is named for the multiple small cysts that develop on the ovaries, lack of regular ovulation, irregular or infrequent periods, and increase in androgens or “male hormones.” It causes symptoms that include an increase in acne and unwanted hair growth, abdominal weight gain that is difficult to lose, dark patches of skin in the underarms and groin, thinning of hair, and irregular bleeding patterns. It is also associated with low mood and an increase in anxiety as well as poor body image. 

Hormonal Harmony can help. The team can assess your symptoms and provide an accurate diagnosis. They can provide treatment, including hormonal therapy as well as developing a diet, exercise, and lifestyle plan that will help you manage your symptoms and feel your best.

Which symptoms can PCOS cause?

PCOS signs and symptoms vary from woman to woman. They may include:

  • Irregular periods
  • Periods that last a long time
  • Having few periods
  • Excess androgen production
  • Scalp hair loss
  • Excess body or facial hair
  • Acne breakouts
  • Larger ovaries
  • Cysts around your ovaries
  • Infertility

Carrying excess body weight can make your symptoms worse or increase the risk of complications.

When not addressed, PCOS complications might include gestational diabetes, liver inflammation, pregnancy-induced high blood pressure, sleep apnea, Type 2 diabetes, pregnancy complications, or metabolic syndrome. 

You might also have depression, anxiety, or a higher risk of endometrial cancer.

How does my specialist diagnose PCOS?

At Hormonal Harmony, the team can assess your symptoms, order and review labs, and provide an accurate diagnosis. They can provide treatment, including hormonal therapy, as well as developing a diet, exercise, and lifestyle plan that will help you manage your symptoms and feel your best.

How is PCOS treated?

Hormonal Harmony offers the following PCOS treatments:

Healthy lifestyle education 

It’s important to manage a healthy body weight, eat nutritious foods, limit carbohydrates, exercise regularly, minimize stress, and get plenty of sleep to manage PCOS. If you carry excess weight, Kristen offers nutrition therapy, personalized fitness plans, and medically supervised weight loss. 

Hormone treatments

Hormone treatments restore hormonal balance to reduce problematic PCOS symptoms and your risk of complications. 


Taking medications also helps you better manage PCOS, its symptoms, or its risk factors. Kristen tailors a medication regimen that provides a superior outcome. 

To receive treatment for PCOS symptoms, schedule a virtual evaluation at Hormonal Harmony by phone or online today.